
Google Maps Shares New Features to Protect Against Fake Content, Harmful Reviews

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In a blog post shared Wednesday, Google explained that monitors unusual patterns in user contributed content to prevent abuse.

This month, Google Maps has seen a number of significant updates, including the addition of Immersive View for routes, new AI features, and, most recently, a visual makeover that gives the app a new color scheme. Although Maps is typically a trustworthy resource for verifying details about locations of eateries, movie theaters, ATMs, and other businesses, it is not impervious to fraudulent reviews and deceptive content. Google has revealed three more ways it blocks the submission of content that violates its policies in an effort to strengthen Maps.


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Google clarified in a blog post published on Wednesday that it keeps an eye out for odd trends in user-contributed content, like a rise in one-star reviews for businesses, and takes appropriate action to stop abuse. The blog stated that “this can include everything from removing content that violates policies to temporarily disabling new contributions.” The business also examines reviews that break company policy and looks into the accounts that posted them.

Second, Google takes precautions to safeguard locations and businesses before delicate events, like elections, when it expects an increase in irrelevant and harmful content on Maps. Google claims that in order to prevent misleading content, it restricts contributors’ ability to change phone numbers, addresses, and other details.

In addition, the massive search engine has implemented long-term safeguards against detrimental and useless user input. For instance, this would include unfavorable comments about establishments like jails and police stations. “We assess the potential value of user input for these kinds of places using a set of frameworks, and depending on the results, we may apply restrictions ranging from limiting contributions to blocking a specific kind of content to blocking contributed content entirely,” Google stated.

Contributors who have had their contributions restricted may see a banner informing them that the feature is disabled. Users can still look up useful details about locations, such as websites, phone numbers, and addresses, despite the restrictions.

As part of a recent Maps update, Google unveiled the Immersive View for routes feature last month. This feature allows users to preview their route step-by-step while cycling, walking, or driving. Select cities including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dublin, Florence, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Paris, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Tokyo, and Venice are among those where you can find the feature on both Android and iOS devices. Furthermore, Google integrated an artificial intelligence-driven Lens function into Maps, enabling users to instantly comprehend their surroundings.

Recently, Google completely redesigned the app’s visual elements and unveiled a brand-new color scheme for Google Maps. The off-white color of roads and streets has been replaced with a grey hue, and there has also been a noticeable shift in the green and blue hues of parks and bodies of water. Additionally, highways have changed from being yellow to a darker grey color scheme.


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