Coconut Shell Charcoal Making Business 2024: what is in store, how to start, Process, Method of making, Marketing, License, Investment, Cost, Profit, Risk (Coconut Cell Charcoal to make Business) (Marketing, License, Registration, Investment, Cost, Profit, Risk)
The year 2024 has started. In such a situation, if you have decided that you will remain rich in the year 2024 and for this you want to start a business, then you have come to the right place, because in this article today we are going to give you information about such a unique business idea, which not many people are doing in the market right now. Or rather, most of the people have not paid attention to this business yet. In such a situation, if you start this business, then it is certain that no one can stop you from becoming rich. We are talking about coconut cell charcoal making business. Let us get complete information on this page about what is coconut cell charcoal making business and how to do coconut cell charcoal making business.
Coconut Shell Charcoal Making Business What is Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business
The business of making coal through coconut shell is called coconut cell charcoal making business. After drinking coconut water or eating coconut kernel, most people consider its shell useless and throw it here and there, but this shell is not useless, rather a lot of money can be earned by using it. Because charcoal i.e. coal can also be made through coconut shell. If this coal is burnt, it does not produce much smoke in the environment. By making coconut charcoal, you can sell it to big companies like steel plant, cement industry etc. and become rich by earning more money in less time. If you want, you can also sell this coal to brick kiln owners in your local area.
How to Start Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business
If a business is started without getting complete information about any business, then there is a high possibility that the business sinks and you suffer a huge loss of money. Therefore, our advice to you is that, not only coconut cell charcoal making business, but before starting any business, try to gather as much information about it as possible. So that you get an idea whether starting a business will be favorable for you or not. Therefore, in this article, we are telling you many important things to start coconut cell charcoal making business, so that you can take the right decision.
How to Start Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business
Below we have shared with you information about Coconut Shell Charcoal Making Business Idea 2024 in simple Hindi language.
Manage your money
The most important thing to start this business is to arrange money, because only if you have money, you will be able to move forward. Therefore, first of all, make sure to arrange money to start the business. How much money will be required will depend on how big or small a scale you are starting the coconut cell charcoal making business. According to our information, even if this business is started on a small scale, it will cost more than Rs 5 lakh and if you start the business on a large scale, it can cost up to 25 to 30 lakh rupees. However, in many places the cost of the business can be less or more. If you do not have sufficient amount of money, you can also take a loan from the bank.
View Location
It would be good to start the business at a place where there is good road, electricity and water and this place should be near the city so that you do not have to face much difficulty in bringing raw material and sending finished goods. If your coconut cell charcoal making factory is at a place where there is good arrangement of all the above things, then third party clients will also be interested in dealing with you because they will know that the products of your factory will be good and you will also be able to do more and more production when the demand increases.
build a factory
After seeing the location, now you have to start getting the factory constructed at the respective location. If you want, you can get the factory constructed using steel sheets or even plastic sheets. However, note that if you are setting up a factory for your business at a place which is not your own, then before getting the factory constructed, get a rental agreement done with the owner of the place. Get the agreement done for a long time, so that you do not have to face the hassle of getting the agreement done again and again after the completion of the agreement period. For this business, a place of 1000 square meters to 1500 square meters may be required.
Obtain the necessary licenses and registrations
For this business, you will need to register your company and you will also have to get a trade license for the business. Apart from this, if you think that the turnover of your company can be more than 20 lakhs, then you will also have to get GST registration done. Apart from this, you also need to get Udyam registration done so that you can get subsidy from the government. If people live around the place where you are doing business, then you will also have to get NOC from the local municipality. Apart from this, you will also have to get commercial electricity connection and water connection.
Set up machines in the factory
Now you have to set up machines in the factory. Under this, install a carbonizing machine. It carbonizes the coconut cells. The grinding machine helps in preparing the powder of carbonized coconut cells. Apart from this, all the raw materials can be mixed with the mixing machine. Small charcoal cubes can be made through the briquette making machine. Apart from this, the charcoal dryer helps in drying the charcoal cubes quickly. To buy all these machines, you can search on the internet, from where you can get the company’s number, with whom you can talk and order the machines.
Arrange the raw material and start the business
After setting up the machines, you will now have to arrange for the raw material to start the business. Under this, you will have to arrange for coconut shells, which you will easily get at a wholesale price of ₹ 10 to ₹ 15 per kg. Apart from this, you will have to take starch powder, which is easily available in the market at the rate of ₹ 40 to ₹ 50 per kg. Both these things are considered most important for this business. After arranging all the raw materials, now you have to start your business and manufacture coconut charcoal through the coconut shell charcoal making business method.
Investing in Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business
In the article, we have already told you how much money will be required to start this business. This will depend on whether the business is being started on a large scale or on a small scale. If you start on a small scale, then an investment of 5 to 7 lakh rupees is required and if the business is started on a large scale, then an investment of 25 to 30 lakh rupees may be required. In this amount, all the important machines for this business will be purchased, along with other necessary materials will also be purchased in this amount.
Employees in Coconut Sale Charcoal Making Business
This business is mostly done by machines. In such a situation, you will also need employees to run the machine. If you have started the business on a small scale, then at least one employee will be required for each machine and a few employees for other important works. At the same time, on a large level, one employee will be required for each machine and other employees for other works. If seen, you will need at least 8 to 10 employees on a small level and 15 to 20 employees on a large level to work. If you hire any employee, then first check whether they actually know how to operate the machine or not, also clear the matters related to their salary so that you can avoid any kind of dispute later.
Marketing of Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business
You can easily market your business. You can advertise your business in the city’s major newspapers or promote this business through social media. You can also get your business banner installed in the nearby big market or in the big market or you can also get pamphlets printed and distribute them directly to people. This helps people know about your business and if someone really needs charcoal, they contact you through the phone number and finalize the deal.
We hope that you have liked the Coconut Shell Charcole Making Business Idea article and you have got all the important information in the article like Coconut Shell Charcole Making Business Investment, Profit, Worker, Raw Material, Machinery, License etc.
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Q: Is it profitable to do coconut cell charcoal making business?
Q : Will Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business last in the future?
Ans : Absolutely
Q: Where is the demand for the items manufactured under Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business?
Ans : Brick kiln, steel plant, cement plant, homes etc.
Q: How much money will it take to start a coconut cell charcoal business on a large scale?
Ans : 25 to 30 lakh rupees
Q: Under which scheme will loan be available for Coconut Cell Charcoal Making Business?
Ans : Prime Minister’s Mudra Scheme